Meeting Report: June 4th

Boston Media Makers Meeting

Best meeting ever. We had a great crowd of both new and regular meeting attendees. It was a lot of fun.

Ashley and Ryanne Hodson

Ryanne came in from San Francisco and brought her sister Ashley. Ryanne updated us on what’s happening on the west coast and talked a little about Vloggercon which is happening in SF next weekend.

Adam Weiss

Adam Weiss from the Boston Behind the Scenes Podcast and the Museum of Science Podcast showed off some really interesting microphones. He was able to keep bringing out new gadgets out of his bag to share with us. Fun stuff.

In-Ear Binaural Microphones

These are In-Ear Binaural Microphones which allow the listener to get inside your ears. When you listen to a podcast that was recorded with these microphones, you feel like you are inside the head of the person who was wearing the microphones. Funny huh?

Carl sees me while Jeff looks away

Carl and Jeff traveled the farthest. Jeff’s dog ate his camera and a bunch of other stuff at his house. Check out his site.

Boston Media Makers

Ben Sheldon talked about hte roll out of Digital Bicycle.

David Tames explained the difference between teh Web and the Internet, and the difference between the Sony A1U and the HCS HC1. The A1U has XLR inputs, and some other stuff none of us would ever use.

He also did a survey to see where we turn first to get technical questions answered, and the overwhelming majority of answers was

We watched a couple of fun videos. One was of Carl’s photo shoot for the Worcester newspaper which should be published next week. Work it.

The other was Casey’s Galacticast Vloggercon promo.

For those of you heading out to Vloggercon this weekend, see you there, for those of you not making the trip I’ll see you on the streaming webcast and in the chatroom.

Overall I really enjoyed the realxed atmosphere of the meeting and how everyone shared things. It was the perfect mix of the mingling, favored by Ravi, show and tell, and discussions.

Stay tuned for plans for our next event. It probably won’t be July 2nd since it’s a long weekend, but I’ve been wrong before.

About stevegarfield
Writer, Photographer, Traveler. Founder: Boston Media Makers / Videoblogging Pioneer / Humorist / Investor: @LordHoboBrewing @Breather @Red5Pro @inside

6 Responses to Meeting Report: June 4th

  1. Carl Weaver says:

    Great report, Steve. Nice pictures, too, but you caught my bald spot in that last one. I should just shave it all off and be done with it. See you at VloggerCon.

  2. Dave Alpert says:

    Sounds like a hoot! Wish I could have been there. See everyone soon.

  3. ironic1 says:

    Woot! Perfectduluthday t-shirt! Yeah!!!

  4. I think it’s a great idea, especially since it’s got lots of opportunities for capturing interesting moments in these charged times of ours.

    @Carl: Shave it off! Wooo!

  5. David Tames says:

    “the HCS” should read “the HC1”